Memento, a souvenir, momento, a moment... a reminder of a precious experience, a great time. I decided to make stickers to conmemorate all of the characters that I've cosplayed. As I cosplay more characters, I'll draw more stickers to add to my collection. If you want to see more art you can visit my gallery and follow me at my blog or just return to the main page to see other parts of this site. I'm including my full drawings on this page and next to them what the stickers would look like after printing.

cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers cosplay stickers
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