Adventure League - These are my Dungeons and Dragons characters. I have played some of them on Adventure League and others I designed to play later and let their stories develop further at that time. To see more of my drawings you can visit my gallery and blog.
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My very first Dungeons and Dragons character. Azure Starlight was trained to be the shrine maiden keeper of the magical archives of Starlight Kingdom, she grew bored of her position and left in search of adventure. She is book smart but otherwise naive, curious, friendly and sometimes too relaxed. Her slime familiar, Remuru, believes he is OP and must hold back to let his master shine, but in reality, he only has 1 HP. Her favorite magic item is the cloak of displacement, which she obtained during one of her adventures. She often travels with Genesis, a human noble seeking to restore his lost fortune and status. (elf / wizard evocation / chaotic good / acolyte)

Cerulean Moon is a traveling artist looking to improve her skills as a painter and find new inspiration. Her familiar is a bunny named Thor, who has a big appetite. Cerulean is easily distracted and loves all things cute. She learned to play the electric (magic) guitar to join fellow adventurer Ylba, the wolf barbarian, in the rock band “All The Way In” and Thor became their manager. I played this character after returning to in person adventure league following a two year break during which we only played online. Ylba and the black cat are Mel's characters. (aasimar / sorcerer divine / lawful good / artisan)

Coniglia Gris was born in the Feywilds and, following her curiosity, later made it to the Forgotten Realms where she became a detective. Though generally lawful, she is still a private eye with a tendency to bend the rules to fulfill her missions. This sometimes makes her act like a bit of a vigilante, but it’s ok if it all works out for the best. She is very curious and likes uncovering mysteries and legends, which is her main motivation for offering her detective services to adventurers. Coniglia means rabbit in Italian and gris means gray in French. (haregon / rogue inquisitive / lawful good / detective)

Pearl Kouneli is a playful, fun living sorcerer who came from the Fey Wilds. Kouneli means rabbit in Greek. (haregon / sorcerer / chaotic good / custom)

Aquamarine Seasalt is the captain of the Seasalt pirates. They usually only attack royal ships for vast riches and a more exciting challenge. After earning a spot on too many wanted posters, the crew decided to lay low for a while and temporarily go their separate ways until things calmed down a little. Until her crew can get back together, Aquamarine passes the time going on various adventures. (triton / rogue swashbuckler / chaotic neutral / sailor)

Akala Freccia is a skilled haregon archer. Her solution to most situations is to shoot an arrow at the issue, even though sometimes it might not make sense. Akala means pink in Hawaiian and freccia means arrow in Italian. (haregon / fighter / lawful good / custom)

Adafey Ulavail is a fairy mage who is small, cute and dangerously quick to cast attack magic with no regards for collateral damage. Ada means fairy in Spanish. Ulavail has the letters for lila and uva, which mean lilac and grape in Spanish. (fairy / full caster / chaotic neutral / custom)

Lazuli Mavi is elegant, graceful and very skilled with a bow and arrow. Lazuli is named after the gem lapis lazuli and mavi means blue in Turkish. (elf / fighter rogue / lawful neutral / custom)

Selena Kuroi is a collector of precious artifacts and jewels who steals from the rich and greedy. She gives her best treasures to Silvia, the silver dragon who raised her. Other dragons used to make fun of Silvia for having a pet kitten but her adopted daughter has made her hoard a lot richer. Silvia is named after the color silver. Selena Kuroi is named after Selena Kyle (Catwoman) from Batman. Kuroi means black in Japanese. (tabaxi / rogue soulknife / chaotic neutral / criminal)

Sil Von Ree was a mischievous genie who caused trouble for many in the Feywilds. Her out of control spread of chaos was stopped when she tried to to cause trouble for Tasha. Tasha took away her genie powers and sent her off into the world to make her way as an adventurer. However, Sil was not left defenseless, as Tasha granted her some power as a warlock. (genasi / warlock genie / chaotic neutral / charlatan)

Indigo Tenshi is a member of the Tenshi Knights, a nomadic group of paladins that travels the world spreading good and helping those in need. Her loyal steed is a unicorn named Marshmallow. She is quick to offer help to anyone who may need it and can come off as too kind and trusting. However, she is harsh on those who dare betray her trust or do evil, and they soon find themselves facing her fiery sword. Her favorite magic item is the flame sword she named Smores. (aasimar / paladin ancient / lawful good / knight)

Ash Darkrune is a self proclaimed edge lord who tries too hard to be edgy with often comical results. He was born in the Feywilds and left to study different magic and try to revive Kitsune. Kitsune is a ninetails cub only old enough to have two tails at the time of her death. She follows Ash as a ghost most of the time, though he can use his necromancy magic to have her return as a zombie and act as his familiar. He wears her crystallized heart on his cloak while chasing after myths and legends across the world to become a more powerful necromancer. (haregon / wizard necromancer / chaotic neutral / haunted)

Vermilion is a centaur treasure hunter adventurer who loves food and has a bad sense of direction. He takes on quests mostly to earn money to go to restaurants and travels across the land trying different foods. He is called the endless because he has an endless appetite and his journey is endless because he keeps getting lost. (centaur / barbarian / chaotic good / custom)

Rosso was a famous opera singer with color changing wings. As musical theatre took a turn for a more modern pop sound, fast paced fight scenes and elaborate magical special effects, his ticket sales went down. He was upstaged by a newcomer yuan-ti who couldn’t even dance, but was good at doing her own stunts and magical special effects, plus the audience seemed to like that she was an adventurer. Hoping to find a way to connect with the audience and revitalize his career, Rosso Prismo decided to become an adventurer and make a come back as the bard RP. Rosso means red in Italian. (fairy / bard glamour / lawful good / celebrity)

Nara Tora is a martial artist seeking to improve her skills and live an interesting life. Possessing both skill and elegance, she has served as a body guard for various celebrities. Though generally good natured, Nara can have a dangerous temper when her clients are threatened. Naranja means orange in Spanish and tora means tiger in Japanese. (tabaxi / monk sun / lawful good / athlete)

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