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Luna Blanc is a curious caster of illusionary magic. (genasi / full caster / chaotic good / custom)

Maricelee Topass loves butterflies and treasure hunting. Mariposa means butterfly and azul celeste means sky blue in Spanish. (genasi / druid / lawful good / custom)

Sakura Teraolsa is a beautiful elf who enjoys flowers, magic and all things cute. Teraolsa is a combination of teal and rosa (pink/rose in Spanish). (elf / full caster / lawful good / custom)

Ciream Cedorimi is a genasi who loves icecream and adventure. Her name has the letters for green icecream. Midori means green in Japanese. (genasi / full caster / lawful good / custom)

Shiro was a lazy celestial who one day woke up as a mortal. Now she claims to be a priestess of the goddess Shiro Gin Hikari, who is secretly her true identity. She seeks to recover her lost power by gathering as many followers as she can. (gnome / warlock celestial / lawful good / acolyte)

Cocoa Caramel is a traveling magician who performs tricks to entertain the public and makes a living taking on odd jobs as an adventurer. She has no memories of her past, though unknown to her she is from the Feywilds and got lost in the Forgotten Realms when her magic went wild. (haregon / sorcerer wild / lawful good / entertainer)

Midnight Dusksong often wanders around aimlessly, singing distractedly. He's very carefree and calm, as if nothing really bothers him. This attitude can come in handy in some situations but results in annoyance in others. He will randomly start making up songs about anything going on around him with often odd but amusing lyrics. If asked about his half missing ear, he will simply comment "music doesn’t always calm the beast." (elf / bard spirits / chaotic good / feylost)

Verdigris Vanta is a half elf wizard who enjoys casting Fireball. Vanta is black paint that doesn't reflect light. Verdigris is the blue green color of oxidized copper. (half elf / wizard / chaotic neutral / custom)

Sepia Zucca is a wizard who loves candy and fireballs. Zucca means pumpkin in Italian. (half elf half human / wizard / chaotic neutral / custom)

Tebalt Alco is a dragonborn barbarian. His name combines the colors teal and cobalt. (dragonborn / barbarian / chaotic neutral / custom)

Cione Aranblu is a wizard skilled in illusions. In Italian arancione means orange and blu means blue. (tabaxi / wizard / chaotic neutral / custom)

Kisuke Murasaki is an adventurer for hire, who often takes on jobs as a mercenary or spy. He is sneaky and agile having been raised by the Murasaki ninja clan. He normally focuses on his mission without getting personally invested. His choice of job sometimes puts him on the wrong side of the law, but his relaxed attitude prevents him from being too concerned with the technicalities. He doesn’t like being tied down by responsibility, which is why he left his clan to pursue a carefree life. Murasaki means purple in Japanese. (tabaxi / rogue arcane / chaotic neutral / spy)

Princess Cyna Hime is a tabaxi princess from a mostly human kingdom (with a few elves). Her mother, Felina, was a traveling adventurer that joined the mission to rescue young prince Crimson. Felina was gravely injured protecting the prince and her dying wish was for her daughter to be taken care of. In gratitude, and to ease his son’s conscience, the king adopted Cyna. Although she was young when she became a princess and was educated as a noble, Cyna has an adventurous spirit. She is brave, but can also be impulsive and impatient. Cyna's name has the letters of the color cyan and hime means princess in Japanese. (tabaxi / eldritch fighter bard / chaotic good / noble)

The Coatl twins were yuan-ti eggs that were taken by bandits and later rescued by adventurers. The adventurers weren’t sure how to return them to the yuan-ti and when the eggs hatched they decided to raise them. The siblings learned various techniques and abilities from the elves in the party as well as several languages from other members of the group. Mitzu Coatl is an elegant pureblood who likes treasure hunting and wearing pretty jewelry. She is very loyal to her brother Atstlu, though they often bicker, she wouldn’t let anyone else pick on him. The snakes on her head are called Mi and Zu. Due to a curse Mitzu lost the ability to dance, but she also discovered she had a talent for acting. She sometimes participates in plays in between her treasure hunting adventures with her brother. Mizuiro means light blue in Japanese. (yuan-ti / cleric twilight / chaotic neutral / treasure hunter)

Mythos Lavender is a skilled archer who left his homeland after being falsely accused of a crime committed by his evil twin brother, Lore. Mythos travels the Forgotten Realms seeking to clear his name. It takes a lot to earn his trust but he is willing to cooperate with fellow adventurers for a mutual benefit. (half elf half human / ranger hunter / chaotic good / traveler)

Amari Fleurdelis is a combat maid specializing in archery. She is very loyal and eager to do a good job. Her lady, Countess Catalina Rose, decided that she wanted to experience the life of an adventurer and told Amari to do what she wanted in her absence. Amari decided to also become an adventurer to better relate to her lady upon her return. Amarillo means yellow in Spanish. (fairy / fighter archery / lawful good / custom)

Countess Catalina Rose, or Lady Rose as she is often called, is soft spoken, cheerful and beautiful, but often naive and absent minded. She loves flowers and wants to spread their beauty and sweet aroma all over the world. She travels to find and cultivate new kinds of flowers and sees the world as her garden. Those who meet her and experience her sweet disposition are quick to forget the old warning that roses have thorns and readily disregard the rumors about her using flower fertilizer made from the blood of her enemies. (fairy / druid mountain / lawful good / noble)

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